

Interview with Six Foot Gallery - here

Feature article on the 44 Tarot for MEANS magazine  - here

Interview with The Light From Albemuth podcast - here

Interview with Gu from the Facade Electronics label for their FEMIX podcast - here 

A review of A Sea Of Cogs for The Wire - here

Interview between Max Bacharach (Tengui, AOTCI etc) and I for Threads Radio - here

Interview with Art, Music, Technology- here - the transcription is here

A review of Hell Is Empty, CCA, Glasgow, 2019 in The Skinny here

Interview with The Quietus (2) - here

Interview with OurLand - (currently offline)

Interview with The Quietus - here

Interview with Resident Advisor - here

Interview with theQuestionnaire - here

Interview with Waxworks - here

Interview with Sonic Router - (currently offline)

Interview with The Wire - here

Interview with Clash Magazine - here

Interview with Undercover - here

Interview with De:Bug (in German) - here