(book, CD, individual tarot cards, action)
The logical conclusion to the 44: A Tarot For Sietse Van Erve project; a book featuring colour images of all of the major arcana, and a limited edition version with CD and a single selected tarot card from the deck included. 22 colour images and essays from Debbie Armour and James Papademetrie on tarot-as-artform plus notes on the project from me.
And a first, secret edition, for those who had cards named for them with letter explaining the inclusion - and the action taken in seeking out and delivering these items to the recipients. Which is harder than it seems in some cases.
First edition: cardholders. 20 copies & letter (plus 1 collective card held in stasis, plus my own card). 19 delivered so far.

Second edition: limited edition. 22 copies, one for each card. None remain.
Third edition: unlimited. 30 delivered so far.